Infectious Diseases Group Practice (IDGP) Clinic
This website is a service of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide users with locations for doxy PEP in the United States and its territories.
1635 Aurora Ct 7th FlAurora, CO 80045
Correo Electrónico
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Información sobre el costo:
- Acepta Seguro médico
- Acepta Medicaid
- PrEP for uninsured
- Cobra según ingreso económico
- Prueba convencional del VIH
- Prueba de la hepatitis A
- Prueba de la hepatitis B
- Prueba de la hepatitis C
- Prueba de Clamidia
- Prueba de Gonorrea
- Prueba de Sífilis
- Vacuna contra la Hepatitis B
- Vacuna contra la Hepatitis A
- Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV)
- Mpox Vaccine
- Case Management
- Drug Purchasing Assistance, including AIDS Drug Purchasing Assistance (ADAP)
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS/HOPWA
- PrEP Navigation
- Ryan White Services
- American Indian or Alaska Native persons
- Asian or Pacific Islander persons
- At Risk Persons
- Black or African American persons
- Gay Men
- General Public
- Hispanic or Latino persons
- Low Income Persons
- Men
- Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
- People with HIV
- Persons with HIV/AIDS
- Persons with Hepatitis
- Pregnant Women
- Women
- English
- Interpretation Services Available for Non-English Languages
- Spanish
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